Friday, December 30, 2011

Lord of the Flies and Passive Aggressive notes

I will not dwell on the negative today. I can't be depressed all of the time. That's what the drugs are for.

So Christmas went better than I had hoped. When I finally woke up we opened gifts. I didn't get up until almost 3pm, and only then because the kids were jumping on the bed and telling me that Daddy said they couldn't open presents until I got up. So I got up, and all was well in the world.

George loves his travel guitar and the kids were shocked--positively shocked--that they had gotten the DSis that they had asked for. They also got swim bags, but they weren't as thrilled with those (don't know why.) I got a yarn winder, and my knitting kit is complete. *happy sigh*  Oh, and I got a new quilt, but that's something that George uses too, so it's a bit of a cheat.

But why the title of this post? Ah, therein lies the tale. The kids are addicted to Pokemon. They are poke-nuts if you will. So are most of their cousins...they have a little Poke-kids Club. It's all very cute and organized. It was sooo well organized as a matter of fact, I had to disband it on Christmas Eve. Yup. I was the bad-guy.

You see, the kids had established such a strict hierarchy of ranks that some of the kids weren't moving up. Some were actually moving down in rank. Votes were taken to banish some members from the club. Votes were overturned by dictatorial rule that stated that the Leader could decide whether or not votes counted. Kids cried...I decided to step in, in my infinite motherly wisdom (before they were rolling boulders and playing with fire) and said that this wasn't very CHRISTMAS of them, nor was it kind, and HEAVEN HELP THEM if I caught them playing games that might disrupt familial unity and peace. The club, I declared, would NEVER meet in my house again. (Over the top? Perhaps, but at this point, they hated me not each other. Mission accomplished.)

Needless to say, the Poke-kids Club immediately called a secret meeting to rewrite their charter, I guessed. Since I was getting ready for work I did not take immediate issue with this. What came out of this meeting was not a new charter, but one of the most creative attempts at making me feel guilty over their disappointment. Kids, I hate to break the news to you, but you'll have to try harder. I'm a Mom. Guilt is my job.

Dear Mom, We decided that everyone is the same rank. We don't have a leader, deputy, etc. We really want you to believe that we have changed. It is a holiday and we don't want you to make too many decisions without thinking. We know you are stressed out about losing both your parents are we understand. Love...


  1. Better photos, but I haven't figured out how to rotate. Dang!

  2. did you upload to the computer first like i suggested? if so, then you needed to go into the image doc. and rotate the image file before uploading to the blog.

  3. I couldn't upload to my computer. Apparently it needs software that I don't have. I will try again.

  4. Oh...yeah, for smartphones its different isn't. it. i had to install ZUNE software before i could do anything with music or images.
