The whimper is mine because I think I scratched my cornea with glitter. My left eye is seriously hurting. I tried calling my optometrist, but he might be on vacation for the holidays. Grrrr. I have to wear my glasses now and my glasses, while sufficient for seeing in a "big picture" sort of a way, really lack the finesse of my contacts when it comes to fine vision. For example:
Without glasses or contacts - I can see a large grey object hurtling towards me. Is that an elephant or a car?
With glasses - I can see a large grey quadruped running towards me. Is that an elephant or a rhino?
With contacts - Who the hell put the roofie in my drink? There are no elephants or rhinos loose in the city!
So I think that it snowed last night. I mean, the ground is white. I'm not sure if it's still snowing. Damn glasses, but I will find out soon, because it is swimming lessons today, and while George unusually takes the kids, I volunteered because a) I don't work today, and b) he will be with them the rest of the day at the Christmas Pageant rehearsal. Update later. Gotta see if the rhino wants to drive today.
Kids are in bed, and I am back on the computer. I should be jogging, or knitting. There are always other things that I should be doing, but I noticed something this morning, and I just had to share. I now have 2 followers. Becky is #2!!! Two apostles, acolytes, disciples, minions...I need to turn off the thesaurus now. I'm planning a blowout for #100, so don't hesitate to sign up to follow!! (what, too ambitious?)
I am also getting a kick out of checking this blog and seeing what ads Google believes are appropriate to put in between things and in the margins. I did this thing where I signed up to have ads put on and they will send me some percentage of a penny for every time someone clicks on an ad. I thought it would be funny to see what they came up with, and if I didn't like it, I'd just cancel the service. There are a few conditions to this "service" they provide. One condition is that I can't click on ads that appear on my own blog. I can't make money for myself, in other words. There is one problem. I WANT TO CLICK. I was talking about food the other day, and an ad showed up for a breakfast casserole. I LOVE BREAKFAST CASSEROLES. I could eat the Breakfast Pizza Mom used to make for three meals a day. I love quiche and strata, and all kinds of breakfasty goodness. AND I CAN'T CLICK! It's teasing me, I swear.
Ah well, back to dreaming of food and trying to make three more pairs of mittens and a scarf before next Saturday.
But here's where your apolytciplions come in! We can click on the links, make you some money (probably tons) and then send you the url via email! Look at us, workin' the system! This is probably a Judas thing, right? Hope your eye feels better soon!