Thursday, December 15, 2011

Arts Week Day 4-Pancake Supper-1 Follower

 These are the ornaments that we have spent the past few days making. We have done other things like math, spelling, science and history, but I think that these ornaments will be remembered by all of us as way too much work tons of fun! I mean, they took TWO DAYS, and they are still not quite done. Most of the finish work will be mine, however, so we can do something that Mommy all of us consider fun tomorrow. I hope we can get out to the Art Institute, but that all depends on how I sleep. I've had some really awful insomnia lately and by the time I actually get to sleep, it's late. Or early. It kind of depends on which side of the clock you are used to waking up on.

I cooked pancakes for supper. It's kind of funny, but a friend of mine said "Oh, Breakfast for dinner," when I told her this, but that's not quite it. Breakfast for dinner in our house means "Pick a cereal, kid. I'm too tired to cook." Pancakes are actually me cooking. See--I stand in front of a stove, I cook. That makes this dinner. Not that I don't know how to cook. I can do almost anything except bake a good cake (they always stick.) I cook wonderful dinners with vegetables from the garden, marinated meats, homemade bread, pies for dessert (homemade too--I make a great crust.) But I don't always enjoy it. I'd rather spend my time knitting, or making ornaments, or something that I think is fun. Occasionally I feel obligated to cook, and then I'm grumpy for the rest of the day. George has learned to feed me wine with dinners I cook and he cleans up afterwards. Am I lucky or what? Someday I will cook an elaborate dinner just so that I can sit at the table afterwards with a glass of wine and watch him wash up. (I do this on Thanksgiving. It's one more thing for me to be thankful for...and George is so obliging.) Someday he will discover this blog and my fun will be over.

But pancakes...pancakes are a homemade dinner, and don't let anyone tell you differently! It's a bit more prep work than hot-dogs, but the payoff is so much sweeter.

And I have one "follower"!!! Thank you Gretchen. Eleven more to go and I'll draw even with Jesus. (No, wait, that was apostles. Want to be my apostle, Gretchen?)


  1. you know at one point i had a blog with was my first blog. i've re-read it. its hilarious. i think 60% of my posts are drunk posts. good times. oh, and WHOO! Pancakes! see, i'm still drunk...i cheer breakfast foods.

  2. Who doesn't cheer breakfast foods? And perhaps I will attempt drunken blogging one of these days...although I'm more likely to just fall asleep when I'm drunk these days. Some people are funny drunks, some are mean drunks, and some, like me, are boring drunks.

  3. I already am my friend :). I am the Peter to your Jesus for sure. Unless you need a good Judas. Not for the whole betrayal part, just the "hey, ya wanna go grab a pint o' mead? You're looking a little overworked lately" times. Cuz you totally know Judas would say something like that...
