Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hair today...

When I was about ten, my mother cut my hair. This was traumatic for both of us. It was traumatic for me because I thought I wanted my hair cut... I didn't. I cried. I cried a lot. This was traumatic for my poor mother who never ever cut my hair again. Even when I was older and just wanted bangs, Mom wouldn't touch my hair. I had no idea how badly my "trauma" had affected her until Dad told me that she spent the night crying after I told her that I hated the haircut she gave me. I an still mortified by this. Kids can be more than most.

My point is that I warned Hannah that she might be disappointed by a haircut, but that she should never forget that your hair grows back.

I shouldn't have worried. She loves it.

Hannah's new cut


  1. I saw her at church and it took a while to figure out who she was. It looks very nice on her.

  2. I LOVE IT!!! Now I want to get my haircut!!! I remember when you got your haircut my friend. I can't wait to go through this with Cassidy. We haven't cut her hair yet and she says she's never going to. Too bad she isn't strong-willed...

  3. I like it too. I was surprised that she wanted to go this short, but she does rock it like a pro.
    I was shocked when someone at work said, "I can't believe you let her do that." Let her? It's her hair. She's ten. It's one of the few things in her life she can control right now. It's not like she asked me if she could have a tattoo. O.O
    ...and G., Cassidy isn't strong willed. She just likes to tell it how it is. GOT IT???!
