Hannah is doing the ISATs this week. She's not special this way, all other CPS students in grades 3-8 are doing it too.
Because it is Hannah, however, there are a few extra issues to deal with.
"If I fail, will you still love me?"
You don't fail the ISAT, honey. It's just a test to see how you are doing compared to other fifth graders.
"I don't think I'm ready. I always want to do other things instead of study. Will you help me study?"
Study what?
"Test things. Study for the ISAT."
Did your teacher tell you to study?
"No. She said, don't try to study, but I don't think I can do that. Can you just review math?"
What math?
"All of it. Just random facts. Math facts. Maybe some word problems. I'm sure there will be extended response. Oh--I'm so nervous."
Maybe tomorrow we can start more than a half hour before I have to leave for work?
"Can I just answer with the answers, or do you want explanations? After this, I need help with reading. And language arts."
You'll be fine.
"What if I'm not?"
You will be.
"I'm so nervous. I might die. What happens if I die?
Then you don't have to take the test.
And I'll miss you terribly? What do you want me to say?
"I just want you to help!"
And I just want to help. When I don't want to strangle her for being unreasonable. But if she was any different, would she even be Hannah?
I don't know. Thankfully, ISATs come but once a year. So does the Science Fair, but we won't worry about that until after the testing is over.
(When I left for work, she was intently reading a Thesaurus. Who does that???)
My daughter. That's who.
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