The smokehouse and stable |
I don't know if Lincoln would recognize these logs. They are all very regular in appearance and size. The wonderful thing about Lincoln Logs is that they are very easy to build with. As we were putting the town together I thought of real logs. Real logs are not even in appearance or size. Anyone attempting to build with real logs has to deal with one end tapering, the other end being fat. You have to muscle and hew and shape real logs. Lincoln Logs are 'logs lite.' They are nothing like real logs, but you get a great rustic looking building out of them. At least they would be great buildings if you were about six inches tall and into drafty windowless houses.
There's also a lumberyard, but he included that because he didn't want to clean up the logs he didn't use. I know this because when I told him to clean up the mess, he told me so.
Bridge and dams in Calebtown |
During the night, the kittens destroyed Calebtown. They were looking for things hidden in the buildings. That's the cat way of thinking: why have a box if you don't hide things in it? I can kind of understand. Maybe one day soon we'll build Hannahtown, or Momandadtown one of these days.
But I can't help but feel sorry for the residents of this tiny town who got attacked in the middle of the night by large, wild animals. Kind of like a Japanese horror movie, except instead of Godzilla, you have large domestic cats slinking about and poking their heads through your roof. All we need is a hero to save us, but we'll do superheroes another day. Right now, we're cleaning up three generations of Lincoln Logs.
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